Special Services & Fellowship
There’s Always Something Going On!
1st Advent Sunday
Sunday, November 27th started the season of Advent! In the Reformed Methodist tradition, we acknowledge the first four Sundays leading up to Christmas Eve, anticipating the coming of Christ. During this time, we prepare in various ways often reflecting, hearing and proclaiming the Word through music and sermon, and celebrating Christ. We celebrate the history of the prophecy about the promise of the Messiah to the Jews, the coming of Jesus at Bethlehem into the world, the second coming of Jesus, and as believers, we continually live out the second coming of Christ in our hearts, spirit, and relation with others.
Here is our Stand In, Assistant Pastor Martin Waruch who lighted the first Advent Candle and spoke the Word of God! Stay tuned this season as we share more of what’s happening at the Federated Church of Kerhonkson! Come join us for service every Sunday at 11 am at 35 42nd Street, Kerhonkson.

2nd Advent Sunday
Sunday, December 4th Federated Church of Kerhonkson celebrated the Second Sunday of Advent! Did you know that the word “advent” comes from the Latin word, “adventus” meaning “coming?” And “coming” is a translation of the Greek work “parousia” (the New Testament was originally written in Greek).
Historically, the duration of Advent lasted 40 days and included a time of fasting, praying, and repenting as new coverts to Christianity got ready for baptism dating as far back as the 4th century. Advent was not connected to the coming of Christ till the 6th century by the Roman Christians. Advent at this time was focused solely on Christ’s second coming. By the Middle Ages, Advent season was linked to Christ’s first coming (his birth) at Christmas.
Our traditions and practices are ever evolving! Today, we recognize the Holiday season in conjunction of Advent beginning four Sundays prior to Christmas Day and ending on Christmas Eve. The new Christian year begins on Christmas Eve until Epiphany on January 6th; 12-day celebration of Christmastide.
The miracle of Christmas is embedded in the Advent season. It can be found between the fulfilled promise of Christ’s first coming (his birth) and yet-to-be fulfilled promise of his second coming. Karl Barth captures the essence of Advent beautifully when he said, “Unfulfilled and fulfilled promise are related to each other, as are dawn and sunrise. Both promise and in fact the same promise. If anywhere at all, then it is precisely in the light of the coming of Christ that faith has become Advent faith, the expectation of future revelation. But faith knows for whom and for what it is waiting. It is fulfilled faith because it lays hold on the fulfilled promise.”
Christ has come and Christ will come again.
Certified Lay Servant, Tammy Hasenflue, lighted the first and second Advent candles during worship service. Following the leading of the Holy Spirit, our message was about the significance of God fulfilling his prophecy told by Micah that Jesus would be born at Bethlehem and how this affected Mary and Joseph. The interruption of the Roman Emperor’s decree for census to be taken at birth places was orchestrated with divine intention. It was not ideal for Mary, who was close to giving birth, to travel which was probably an annoying interruption. BUT-sometimes God will orchestrate interrupts to lead us to where we are meant to be. And for us, especially during the Holiday season, the last thing we want are any interruptions to our busy schedules. If we open ourselves up to leading of the Holy Spirit we invite in blessings of God, which can come when we least expect it, when we are not ready for it, and when we preoccupied with worldly ways. If presented with an interruption this Holiday season, we encourage yo to allow God to accomplish His purpose through you for YOU. God fulfills His promises to us in ways in which we do not always expect. And we see this in Mary and Joseph's story.

Easter Service
April 17th, 2022 the worship planning team hosted a special service to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. All three lay servants and the minister of music put together a program including readings leading up to the resurrection along with hymns to transition from events in scripture. The sanctuary was staged dark and gloomy as guests entered and took a seat. As the story of the resurrection unfolded, the sanctuary was redressed with lighting and our wooden cross. Guests were invited to hang a flower on the cross to symbolize the salvation we were gifted from our Lord and Savior.

Fellowship Hour
Once a month, we invite guests to join us for fellowship downstairs after service. Also, referred to as "coffee hour." We enjoy the social hour engaging with guests while sipping coffee/tea and eating food.
We invite you to join service and fellowship! The selected date for fellowship is announced during services and featured on our Facebook page.

Click on Agape/Love Feast to learn more from UMC about Agape!

Thrift Shop
The thrift shop everyone loves!
The church thrift shop is open every Tuesday from 9 am - 12 pm and the last Saturday of every month from 9 am - 12 pm. Saturday hours are featured as our, "Bag Day." Bag day is your chance to save, save, save by filling a bag for $2.
Don't leave your belongings behind rather pass them on! If you are interested in donating to the thrift shop, feel free to come during open hours and speak to Pat Keener.
Please do not leave donation items outside of the church. We invite you to call the church if you would like to schedule dropping off donated items outside shop hours.

Your donations are a blessing to others!

The Donation Box located outside the church is part of the St. Pauly Textile Inc. The items donated in this box are not shared with the church nor their thrift shop. Items donated are distributed throughout the United States.
Please read the section below the drop distributor which lists the items that can be accepted. St Pauly Textile cannot accept household goods, furniture, books, nor garbage. If you have items that are not appropriate for the box, please consider donating to the church's thrift shop.
The donation box is monitored with a surveillance camera 24/7.
Fundraising Events
- Sep 23, 2023, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PMKerhonkson, 35 42 Nd St, Kerhonkson, NY 12446, USA
- Multiple DatesSep 15, 2023, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PMFederated Church of Kerhonkson, 35 42 Nd St, Kerhonkson, NY 12446, USA
- Jul 29, 2023, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PMKerhonkson, 35 42 Nd St, Kerhonkson, NY 12446, USA
- Mar 12, 2023, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PMKerhonkson, 35 42 Nd St, Kerhonkson, NY 12446, USA
- Oct 23, 2022, 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM EDTKerhonkson, 35 42 Nd St, Kerhonkson, NY 12446, USA
- Sep 17, 2022, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDTFederated Church of Kerhonkson, 35 42nd St. Kerhonkson NY, USA